Python158 백준 10768 - 특별한 날 month = int(input()) day = int(input()) if month 18: print("After") else: print("Before") else: print("After") 2022. 10. 5. 백준 - 2083 럭비 클럽 while True: s = list(input().split()) if int(s[1]) > 17 or int(s[2]) >= 80: print(s[0], "Senior") elif s[0] == "#" and s[1] == '0' and s[2] == '0': break else: print(s[0], "Junior") 2022. 10. 4. 백준 - 10101 삼각형 외우기 a = int(input()) b = int(input()) c = int(input()) d = a+b+c if a == 60 and b == 60 and c == 60: print("Equilateral") elif (d == 180) and ((a == b) or (b == c) or (a == c)): print("Isosceles") elif d == 180 and (a != b != c): print("Scalene") elif d != 180: print("Error") 2022. 10. 3. 백준 9316 - Hello Judge n = int(input()) for i in range(1, n+1): print("Hello World, Judge", str(i)+"!") 2022. 10. 2. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ··· 40 다음